How Fig Tree International Ltd Can Support You
How Fig Tree International Ltd Can Support You
If you are interested in any of the following, we can help; System-level change management, support for education departments, conferences and wider school training, organisation-wide strategy, planning or training.
The Founder has been fortune enough to visit a range of countries/areas, amongst others, paying particular attention to their education systems; e.g. UK, Sweden, Greece, South Africa, Chicago, New Orleans, China, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, France, New York and The Netherlands
We have worked with the British Council, including Erasmus and Comenius. We have organised international visits for groups of staff from across several schools and successfully worked with groups of schools internationally..

Fig Tree Capture
Fig Tree Capture
- System-level change management - support for education departments
- Conferences and wider school training
- Organisation-wide strategy, planning or training

~ Let's Explore Further ~
~ Let's Explore Further ~
System-level change management - support for education departments
"Policy context plays an important role in setting the educational agenda, and determining whether school improvement will be successful or not."
Professor David Hopkins
Fig Tree International Ltd engages with countries and companies where system change is needed. An example of this is the re-modelling of professional training for a group of schools. We are able to provide a research-led approach to our/your work. If it is a case of evaluating provision as it currently exists or looking for new approaches, we may be able to help. We are versed on good practice in the UK and can demonstrate this under the umbrella of effective leadership and change management.
The understanding of context is crucial. Fig Tree International Ltd works in a manner which is sensitive to international, national and local contexts.

Chartered College lecture with Peter Tabichi - Global Teacher of the Year

Discussions about the Finnish education system with a Finnish MP

A wonderful young boy on our international visit to Ghana
Conferences and wider school training
Fig Tree International Ltd is involved in providing resources and facilitating international conferences. We welcome the opportunity of engaging with executive and senior leaders to share good practice about world-class education systems. With the assistance of linked personnel in the country where the conference will take place, our clients call upon us to assist with the running conferences on areas of interest to them and their organisations. Our conferences are professional and informative. In line with our company Vision, we aim to inform, motivate and inspire. Our range of speakers and facilitators are skilled in particular areas. We can offer this as keynote address and/or training workshops. Although the details can be agreed with our clients, our broad framework for the Terms and Conditions of our international conferences are available upon request.

Lead School - Hosting visitors from seven European countries #Erasmus

Organisation-wide strategy, planning or training
Fig Tree International Ltd is available to work with one school or a group of schools or one or more leaders. If you are a proprietor, we can provide you wish high quality advice. We can support with staff induction programmes and deliver a series of workshops on effective teaching and learning. If your leaders are in need of training or mentoring, we can assist.
Our whole school review programmes will provide you with clear indicators about what you are doing well and what needs to be developed further.

O ur International Development Support packages are 3 - 10 days, plus any required report-writing, with longer term packages available, as requested.
O ur International Development Support packages are 3 - 10 days, plus any required report-writing, with longer term packages available, as requested.

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