The Confident Middle Leader
Target Audience: Middle Leaders, Aspiring Middle Leaders, 2ic's and leaders-in-waiting
National and International Programme
The Confident Middle Leader
Target Audience: Middle Leaders, Aspiring Middle Leaders, 2ic's and leaders-in-waiting
National and International Programme
Fig Tree international Ltd has established a very successful 'Be Confident' series. It is led by leaders with success leadership experience within education, at both primary and secondary phases. We are now accepting applications for the Autumn Term.
'The Confident Series' is expanding rapidly for schools and individuals who wish to ensure that they have knowledge, skills and understanding to improve themselves and their schools.

Are you going to be new to middle leadership and need to explore the importance of this role? Are you a Head with an inexperienced middle leadership team. Then these webinars are for you.
I n these webinar we explore some of the theory surrounding middle leadership, however, you will also leave with some very practical ideas:
In session one for example, we highlight;
•how to set a clear Vision for your team, using effective communication
•how to be informed about the characteristics of effective teams
•team-building and conflict management
•how all individuals within your team can contribute to the team
•how to set up structures for monitoring the work of your team
Now is the time to prepare so that you have thinking and implementation time. Take the time for yourself and some
excellent CPD.
Webinar 1 - How to create a vision for your team and ensure that all members will contribute effectively to the team
Webinar 2 - Be a confident Head of Department or Head of Year. How to demonstrate your leadership skills
Webinar 3 - Applying for jobs (those aspiring to middle leadership roles)
Webinar 4 - Leading and having impact
Webinar 5 - Using data effectively
Webinar 6 - Deep Dives
Webinar 7 - Preparing for Inspection
Webinar 8 - Personal Reflection on strengths and areas for development
Available now for From September 2025
Price: £500 for all 8 Webinars or £80 plus VAT, per module